The Scream & Other Dark Stories


Deep in the shadows of the human soul are monsters that should never see the light of day. But some fight to the surface, consume the entire being, then prey on anyone else that is around.

This is the world of new horror.

The Scream & Other Dark Stories is 14 tales where the monster is no longer within.

In the eponymous The Scream, after a mysterious disease has infected the U.S., a journalist is forced into government mandated EMDR therapy to recover lost memories. Abigail Alone sees a woman losing her sense of identity after a betrayal. In Mathias & LEENA, a ghost finds unlikely love with a home computer system. To Everything, Turn introduces the reader to a family with a dark and powerful lineage on the day of the youngest brother’s transformation. A mother’s decision in Black Wings leads her into a pit of darkness that no mind could overcome.

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Jerry Sampson’s stories are dark as hell. She burrows deep inside the minds of her characters and reveals them slowly. There is a visual element to her writing that puts you right there with them. You feel their discomfort both emotionally and physically. It’s like having a front row seat to their own personal hell. Her stories don’t end as you hope, they end the way they are supposed to. Jerry is a great story teller and these stories will stick with you, whether you want them to or not.Kelley Baker, Author, Angry Filmmaker 

Words: Jerry Sampson

Illustrations: Sean Croghan

Design: Hannah Johnson

Horror. Trade paperback, 5” x 8”, 162 pages. Color cover with B&W illustrations

ISBN: 9781733724531